Quantcast Vegetarian StarCarrie Underwood “In” For 2009, Jessica Simpson “Out”

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The end of the year marks the making of lots of lists-resolutions, top or greatest events or people, and trends to look for in the upcoming year.

Carrie Underwood made PETA’s list for what’s “in” for 2009, and is obviously a stark contrast to her opposite of what is “out”, “Jessica Simpson.

Sure, they may both be beautiful blond babes who sing their hearts out, but as a vegetarian since her teens, Carrie’s got it going on where it counts.

Both have been considered, “sexy,” but Miss Underwood has won the title of Sexiest Vegetarian Alive. Still, waiting for Simpson to be crowned “Sexiest Carnivore.”

Lastly, Carrie definitely makes better judgement in fashion. We suspect Pamela Anderson will never leave Jessica alone for wearing her Real Girls Eat Meat t-shirt.

Congrats to Carrie. Better luck next time Jess.

Read the entire list to see who and what made the cut.

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