Quantcast Vegetarian StarVegetarian Carrie Underwood Respects Cattle Rancher Parents

The 42nd Annual CMA Awards - Press Room

American Idol winner and country music star Carrie Underwood has been a vegetarian since her teens and recently helped fellow Idol alum Kellie Pickler make the transition to the diet.

Carrie made the decision to stop eating meat while living with her parents, who ironically, are cattle ranchers. And although she wouldn’t dare eat anything they produce, it didn’t change her feelings for them.

“I respect what they do very much. That’s what put clothes on my back and paid for college,” she said in an interview with Tampa Bay Online. “But cows were like my dogs. I named them, I played with them, I bottle-fed them. When I realized why we had cows, I couldn’t think of anyone eating my friends. It scared me, and I quit eating meat.”

When she goes home to Oklahoma these days, it’s not exactly the vegan mecca, like L.A., so she’s forced to bring her own food.

“I can get a veggie sub at Subway, but that’s about it.”

People who grow up and take on different beliefs or lifestyles from their family deal with it in different ways. Some become extremely outspoken to the point where it damages relationships and some are able to separate the people from the act they do.

Are you a vegetarian in a family of people in the meat industry, such as cattle ranching or even a butcher shop? Has it affected your relationships with them in any way since you became vegetarian?

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One Response to “Vegetarian Carrie Underwood Respects Cattle Rancher Parents”

  1. Tim Says:

    Well, I don’t have cattle rancher parents, but my family owns and runs a restaurant that doesn’t advertise itself as such, but might as well be a steakhouse.

    When I was 15, mom and dad had to start going to the grocery store especially for me. Before I ate at the restaurant after school. So they weren’t too pleased about that.

    But it worked out. Just gross to go in there and smell what’s cooking, though. I deal with it.