Quantcast Vegetarian StarDid Pickler Interrupt Underwood’s Veggie Meal With Stork?

Carrie Underwood Unveils Her Wax Figure At Madame Tussauds

Carrie: No Kellie, you don’t want to eat it if it’s cooked in chicken broth. LOL!

Carrie Underwood may have found a man that’s just as good as animals this time.  She was spotted having dinner with Travis Stork, a former TV “Bachelor.”

Insiders gave lots of juicy details such as the dinner couple holding hands and showing affect and taking a break from lovin’ to sing Happy Birthday to a nearby party.

We have a strange suspicion that insiders failed to notice that Carrie got interrupted 10 times that night by newly vegetarian Kellie Pickler texting questions about rennet, soymilk, and natural flavorings.

Underwood had said before in an interview that if she had to choose between animals and men, she’d choose animals because she hasn’t found a good man yet, but lots of good animals.

Poor Stork. Doesn’t know the cats, dogs, and farm animals he may be up against.

Carrie ate a very veggie ravioli and beet salad, then finished off with an omelet. No news on what Stork ate.

Kellie: Thanx babe. Luv u so much:)

via Life and Style Mag

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