Quantcast Vegetarian StarChrissie Hynde Dons “Tax-Meat” T-Shirt At Farm Aid

Chrissie Hynde Dons “Tax-Meat” T-Shirt At Farm Aid

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 24th, 2008 in Female Musicians, Female Singers.

Chrissie Hynde Unveils New PETA Advert

Some cool celebrities were part of the lineup for Farm Aid 2008, an event thrown together by none other than the organization, Farm Aid, which is designed to help raise awareness for small family farms and keep them alive in the age of mass commercial farming and production.

Kenny Chesney, Willie Nelson, and John Mellencamp rocked fans at the event sponsored mainly by Whole Foods and Horizon Organic, with a little help from a few other veg friendly companies like Silk Soy Products, as well as Pretenders’ Chrissie Hynde. Never failing to remind anyone in ear’s reach she is a vegan, Chrissie saw the opportunity to get the word out and wore a “Tax-Meat” t-shirt to the event.

If you’re a sucker for awesome live music and interested in viewing the webcast of the concert, hop on over to this site and enjoy.

via Live Daily

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