Quantcast Vegetarian StarThey Tried To Serve Meat At Rehab, But Then Said, “No, No, No.”

IFTA (Irish Film And Television )Awards 2008

A list of top vegetarian friendly rehabs has been released by PETA and several of the centers have catered to many celebrities, including Mel Gibson. While we don’t know if any of these celebs actually requested non-meat meals during their tenures, we definitely know where Amy Winehouse’s next stop should be if she decides to go vegetarian. Here’s what she might enjoy:

Passages (California): Hummus, tabouleh, pasta primavera, vegetarian lasagne, wild mushroom pasta, vegetarian tacos and burritos, and veggie burgers. Mel Gibson stayed here.

The Meadows (Arizona): Tofu, veggie burgers, and vegetarian casseroles. Kate Moss, Eric Benet, Mike Tyson, Elle McPherson, Tara Palmer-Tompkinson, Paul Gascoigne, Ron Wood, Kerry Katona, Michael Barrymore, and Whitney Houston have all done rehab time here.

Cottonwood de Tucson (Arizona, yes the The Grand Canyon State has 2 of the favorites!): Baked rigatoni with spinach, wasabi mashed potatoes with snap peas, veggie pizza, veggie fried rice with spring rolls, portobello mushrooms stuffed with polenta, vegetable tostadas, green corn tostadas. Ron Wood, Geri “Ginger Spice” Halliwell, and Robbie Williams have all said, “Yes, yes, yes,” to here.

For a complete list, go here.

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One Response to “They Tried To Serve Meat At Rehab, But Then Said, “No, No, No.””

  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » John Salley: Patrick Ewing Suffers Excessive Meat Consumption Says:

    […] These are the guys Salley thinks suffer “excessive meat consumption,” and could stand to go for veggie rehab! […]