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Global Green USAs 6th Annual Pre-Oscar Party - Red Carpet

Everybody’s favorite “Vegetarian Hippie Chick” in race car driving has teamed up with a company that produces eco friendly t-shirts to produce her racing merchandise.

Leilani Munter will be driving the Firestone Indy Lights car at the season finale at Chicagoland Speedway on August 29.

Ecobabble has signed up to be one of Leilani’s partners in her quest to make race car driving more environmentally friendly.

A recycle bin will be placed in Leilani’s pit at the track for fans to place their soda and water bottles, which Ecobabble will use to manufacture 50/50 cotton/polyester t-shirts.

“I am excited to be working with Ecobabble to offer eco friendly merchandise,” said Leilani, “And I’d also like to thank Chicagoland Speedway for allowing me to have a recycle bin in my pit. Together we are teaming up to help make a greener world and I am just proud to be a part of it.”

Cool fact: It takes 5 plastic bottles to make one t-shirt.

If you started saving your cola bottles, you might never need to shop at The Gap again.

For more information, visit Leilanimunter.com.

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Photo Credit: IndyCar

Photo Credit: IndyCar

So take that, Sea Kitten disser!

Race car driver Leilani Munter got the pleasure of rubbing a personal victory in Stephen Colbert’s face.

After climbing to the top of a wind turbine at Horse Hollow Wind Energy Center in Abileen, Texas, Leilani autographed one of the blades. The owner of the tower, NextEra Energy Resources, nicknamed it “Leilani.”

NextEra Energy Resources owns about 6,290 megawatts (MW) of wind farm assets in the USA, and accounted for roughly 25 percent of the total wind power installed in the country during 2008, according to the International Business Times.

“I had to call Stephen out because it seems like every time I watch “The Colbert Report,” he’s having something named after him,” Leilaini told emagazine.com. “I was like—ha!—I beat him to one thing. He may have all the animals on the earth named for him, but he doesn’t have a wind turbine”

Leilani is an outspoken environmentalist who has described herself as a “vegetarian hippie chick.”

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Photo Credit: Craig Davidson

Photo Credit: Craig Davidson

Besides the whole Freedom of Speech thing, NYC, and baseball, name some great things about the United States of America.

Add Leilani Munter to your list, as the vegetarian race car driver who races with divisions of both NASCAR and IndyCar has made Reader’s Digest’s 10 Reasons to Love Our Country.

“Münter, 33, who’s both a stock-car and open-wheel driver, has made it her mission to “green” big-time auto racing—which, at 100 million strong, may have the most enthusiastic fan base on the planet. Her goals: renewable biofuels and recycled tires for the cars and recycling programs at the tracks. For doubters, she has a message: “Never underestimate a vegetarian hippie chick with a race car.””

Leilani consistently delivers her message as an environmentalist through public speaking engagements, interviews, and her website, carbonfreegirl.com.

Not to mention she’s lightening her carbon footprint every time she sits down at the dinner table and consumes a plant based meal.

“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world,” she said, “are the ones who end up doing it.”

What can we say? We love those crazy girls.

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Leilani Munter: Greenest Badass Of Them All!

Written by Vegetarian Star on Tuesday, June 16th, 2009 in Athletes-Games-Sports, Environment-Eco-Green.

Global Green USAs 6th Annual Pre-Oscar Party

Yesterday we told you vegan cookbook author Isa Chandra Moskowitz was featured in Grist.org’s 13 Badass Greens for her vegan cooking show and delicious recipes that can lighten your footprint by shedding that heavy egg and dairy.

But who is the greenest badass of all?

None other than vegetarian race car driver Leilani Munter.

“Stunt double? Check. Race car driver? Check. Biologist and conservation activist? Uh, OK. Munter doesn’t mess around when it comes to the environment: she hopes to educate racing’s 100 million racing fans about green living, serves as an ambassador for the National Wildlife Federation, has testified on Capitol Hill, and wants to convince her industry to use more alternative fuels. Says this CarbonFreeGirl: “Just because you’re green … doesn’t mean you can’t be fast.””

You can learn more about life in Leilani’s fast lane at her website, carbonfreegirl.com.

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Photo: Phil Cavali

Photo: Phil Cavali

Leilani Munter is an environmentalist and race car driver who races in both Indy Lights, the development league of IndyCar and ARCA, a development league of NASCAR.

Is anyone else in your family vegetarian?
As far as family members go, I have two vegetarian nieces right now. All three of my sisters have at one time been vegetarian and my sister Natascha was vegetarian throughout both of her pregnancies and during breastfeeding, which is interesting, because those are my two nieces that are now vegetarians. She told me that she had read that whatever you feed a child from zero to three is what they will crave for life. So she did not feed them meat and both of them are vegetarian by their own choice. Also, when I was a child, I never craved sweets, my mother told me that I always would refuse cookies and ask for parsley instead and to this day, I don’t crave sweet foods.

Is Craig (Leilani’s husband) vegetarian too? Did you have any eco features about the wedding?
Craig is not [completely] vegetarian but I would say he is about 95% vegetarian now. I honestly can’t remember the last time I saw him eat meat and we never, ever bring meat into our house. We had a small seaside wedding in New Zealand (where Craig is from) and we had an eco conscious cruelty free vegetarian meal. Our wedding invitations were printed by Green Field Paper on tree free paper that you can plant and wildflowers will grow!

You volunteered at a wildlife rescue and rehab center in college. What were some of the best parts about working with these injured animals?
The best part was when we were able to release them back into the wild, where they belong. Nothing is more magical than giving an animal its freedom. It is a truly beautiful moment.

In the future, do you see yourself being just as active and public with vegetarianism as you are with environmental issues?
Yes, I definitely would like to be just as active with promoting vegetarianism as I am with speaking out about environmental issues. They go hand in hand. [When] I give speeches on a regular basis, I am often discussing the environment and I always talk about the fact that the meat industry contributes more greenhouse gases into our atmosphere than all the planes, trains, cars, trucks, ships, and all other forms of fossil fuel based transportation in the world. Besides the obvious animal cruelty issues, going vegetarian can do wonders for our environment and for world hunger. Vegetarianism is one of the most important issues that is not talked about nearly enough. We hear a lot about alternative fuels and clean energy, but we need to be talking a lot more about our meat consumption. I know that it’s not realistic to think everyone in the world is going to become vegetarian, but if everyone could just start by reducing the amount of meat they consume, it would change the world for the better.

Learn about Leilani’s Eco-Dream team and her love for cooking with fake meats after the jump… (more…)

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Leilani Munter’s Mom Put Her Foot Down: No Meat In My House!

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, May 21st, 2009 in Athletes-Games-Sports.

Global Green USAs 6th Annual Pre-Oscar Party - Red Carpet

It might not have been easy being vegetarian growing up if mom and dad were meat and potatoes kind of parents.

Luckily, for race car driver Leilani Munter, she didn’t have that problem to worry about as mom wore the pants along with her apron when it came to meals and one day decided to make the whole fam go veg.

From the May/June issue of Vegetarian Times:

“It was my mom’s idea. One day she came home and announced that the whole house was going veg. It was fine with me, because when I realized hamburgers came from cows, I was horrified.”

Way to go mom! 

Are you a parent who put your foot down and banned meat from your household? Tell us about it.

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Leilani Munter Assembling Her Eco-Dream Team For 2009

Written by Vegetarian Star on Monday, December 29th, 2008 in Athletes-Games-Sports, Environment-Eco-Green.

Global Green USAs 6th Annual Pre-Oscar Party - Red Carpet

When vegetarian professional race car driver and environmentalist Leilani Munter first started talking about environmental issues on her racing website, she got mixed reactions.

Some were excited to embrace the discussion of being eco-friendly. Others said she was “brainwashed by Al Gore,” because she promoted An Inconvenient Truth.

But the important thing was at least they were talking about it, something that wasn’t happening before.

Like it or not, race car driving is one of the biggest spectator sports in the country and to leave millions of fans in the dark about what’s going on with the earth would just be plain irresponsible.

She recently appeared on NPR, discussing her 2009 plans to put together an Eco-Dream Team where the race cars will show a public service message to race fans, promoting greener actions, such as using energy saving light bulbs. She also wants to set up eco-education centers at the racetracks.

Listen to Leilani’s interview on NPR.

Photo: Nzcowboy13 on Creative Commons

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