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Meatless Mouthful–Elayne Boosler On Truth In Fur Labeling Law

Written by Vegetarian Star on Thursday, January 6th, 2011 in Comedians, Fur, Meatless Mouthful.

“Congress passes Truth in Fur Labeling Act! From now on, every fur coat will have a label that says, ‘This garment being worn by a shallow, narcissistic, selfish creature.”

–Comedian Elayne Boosler, on the new law that requires garments with smaller amounts of fur on them to declare if the fur is real or fake, something previously required only if the garment was worth more than $150.

A pet lover and animal advocate herself, Boosler has been featured in Animal Wellness magazine, where she said success to her meant, “The end of puppy mills and inhumane practices in the food industry, widespread spaying and neutering and having every person know that each time an animal is bought from a pet store, an animal in the pound dies.”

Photo: ElayneBoosler.com

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