Quantcast Vegetarian StarDar Williams

"The Tofu Tollbooth"

"The Tofu Tollbooth"

Dar Williams is a singer-songwriter who collaborated with Elizabeth Zipern to create a one stop book filled with dining suggestions for the vegetarian traveler, The Tofu Tollbooth. The concept is great, plus the book stays true to being environmentally friendly as it’s printed with soy ink on recyclable paper.

“It’s a directory of natural food stores,” Williams told Windy City Times. “So, that’s the link; because I’m a traveler. And, actually, I’m a terrible cook. I mean, a really bad cook. So, it would be kind of funny if people ( laughs ) thought it was a cookbook. They probably imagine me in an Indian print skirt over a pot of lentils. I am so the grab-and-go kind of bad eater.”


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