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Restaurant Impossible Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama was a guest on Food Network’s Restaurant Impossible where she and host Robert Irvine visited a school garden at the non-profit Horton’s Kids in Washington, D.C.   The First Lady’s challenge for Irvine, who usually spends the episode trying to salvage failing restaurants, was to help “kids eat right and get active, so that they can grow up healthy and strong.”

Mrs. Obama used the analogy that caring for a garden was similar to caring for the human body, citing you wouldn’t use soda to water it.

The group also witness how a bicycle powered hose could combine exercise and gardening. Rainwater was collected and the bike is then ridden by students to push the water onto the land.

When Michelle got on the bike to water the garden, Irvine said, “We have one of the fittest first ladies in the history of America and she’s talking the talk and walking the walk.”

A clip from the show can be viewed below.


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Michelle Obama was a guest on the Late Show with David Letterman where she had the honor of counting down the evening’s top 10 list.

This list revolved around gardening to coincide with the publication of the First Lady’s book on her gardening experiences at the White House and gave some pretty useful facts for those with green thumbs.

For example, did you know that, according to #9 on Letterman’s list, when you plant avocados, tomatoes, onions and cilantro together, you grow a guacamole tree?


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