Quantcast Vegetarian StarThe Passing Of A Vegan Prince

The Passing Of A Vegan Prince

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 23rd, 2016 in Male Musicians, Male Singers.


It’s a sorrowful week for music lovers and vegans alike, as Prince, one of the greatest masters of funk, R & B, jazz, pop and a mixture of everything else, has passed.

The singer left the world at his famous home and recording studio, Paisley Park, in Chanhassen, Minnesota on Thursday, April 21, 2016.

He was 57.

Prince was known by many names including Jamie Starr, Alexander Nevermind, Joey Coco Prince, that symbol that was also called the “Love Symbol” and The Artist Formerly Known as Prince.

He was also known as a vegan.

So many influential people in the music industry have spoken on this shocking news, but producer L.A. Reid may have summed it up perfectly by noting that nothing like this was ever expected from someone apparently so healthy.

“He was a vegan, he didn’t abuse alcohol, I didn’t know of him abusing drugs, he worked out … that also really concerned me because it made me think that, ‘Wow, you mean you do all these things to take care of yourself and you die so young?'” Reid said.

Prince found time to share his vegan lifestyle with the media whenever he could.

He enjoyed a vegan meal with staff members of Ebony magazine for a cover edition which featured him.

He told George Lopez that he thought a hot dog was so unhealthy, the very word could be compared to an obscenity.

The world will truly miss this musician’s presence.

Photo: Micamedia/Creative Commons

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One Response to “The Passing Of A Vegan Prince”

  1. Brien Comerford Says:

    Prince was an extremely talented and humane vegan who wrote the compassionate song “Animal Kingdom.”