Quantcast Vegetarian StarMorrissey Adds Vegan Touch To First In-Person Interview In Decade On “Larry King Now” (Video)

Morrissey hasn’t done an in-person interview in a decade, but he made his comeback a great one by discussing several vegan topics on Larry King Now.

The singer and vocal animal advocate took off his shoe and placed it on the table during the interview to show how fashionable leather-free can be.

While the interview contained several topics that included politics and his fans, he took considerable time to explain the decisions that led him to go meat-free years ago.

There are plenty of options today, as there were decades ago when he recorded the famous Smiths’ song “Meat is Murder.”

The British star insists that no one today is really “that hungry” that they would feel the need to consume animal flesh.

He concluded the interview with a live performance.

The entire segment can be viewed in the clip.

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