Quantcast Vegetarian StarEva Longoria Goes Vegan To Lean Out

Eva Longoria Goes Vegan To Lean Out

Written by Vegetarian Star on July 27th, 2015 in Actresses, Food & Drink, Nutrition-Health-Fitness.

Eva Longoria

It would be nice if the entire planet followed a vegan diet.

But it’s also good that so many people are turning to plant-based foods to enhance the diet they already follow.

Eva Longoria uses meat-free meals as one of several ways to tone up and get energetic.

She calls this her vegan “lean-out” plan.

“It depends [on what job I’m prepping for]. I’ll do a cleanse to feel better but I’ll do no sugar to lose weight or I’ll do vegan to lean out. Everything has a different reaction,” she said.

“Especially as you get older, people want to know the secret to looking good and there is no secret. It’s diet and exercise. People say they eat well but they don’t exercise. Or they run 20 miles a day but they can’t lose weight. You have to do both.”

Photo: Imagine Cup/Creative Commons

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