Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Daniella Monet Avocado Toast (Video)

Daniella Monet is sharing some of her favorite vegan snacks for the season with the folks at Peta2.

The actress from Victorious demonstrates three vegan dishes in a short video posted to the organization’s blog.

In addition to Banana-Chia Seed Pudding and Strawberry-Banana Smoothie, Monet has fun in the kitchen making avocado toast.

This is the perfect food for a snack or even a small meal. Packed with protein and vegetables, avocado toast can be eaten by itself or as a side dish with a larger meal.

All three of Monet’s treats are quick and easy to prepare.

Watch the video to see her whip up all three and grab the recipe for avocado toast here.

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