Quantcast Vegetarian StarYotam Ottolenghi Gives “Plenty More” Vegetarian Recipes In New Book

Plenty More Yotam Ottolenghi

Yotam Ottolenghi, food writer for The Guardian and author of a previous cookbook that put the spotlight on vegetables, has written an encore to Plenty.

Plenty More features more than 150 recipes that are organized by cooking method.

A second cookbook devoted entirely to vegetarian eating is not bad for someone who would have never considered including even one plant-based recipe in his regular columns if his Guardian editor had not suggested it.

“I never chose to write vegetarian,” he said to Radio Times. “I was forced by The Guardian. I’m not a vegetarian but my agent said, when The Guardian offered me a column, ‘beggars can’t be choosers’.”

“I resented the idea but now, in hindsight, I realise it was a wonderful blessing in disguise because, in a sense, it’s given me a certain focus that I don’t think I would have had otherwise. There really was no fabulous vegetarian food.”

Plenty More showcases Ottolenghi’s ideas for fabulous vegetarian food that includes salads, desserts and emphasizes spices and cooking with seasonal foods.

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