Quantcast Vegetarian StarJhene Aiko Says Adopt Don’t Shop In New PETA2 Pet Adoption Ad

Jhene Aiko

Singer and songwriter Jhene Aiko has always opened her home to animals so it’s not surprising at all that she would share her celebrity spotlight with one while promoting shelter pet adoption for PETA 2.

Aiko and Daisy look great together in the ad that reads, “Adoption is Love.”

“I think cats are super-smooth with everything they do,” Aiko said. “Ever since I was younger, I had this connection with cats.”

Whether you’re a cat or dog lover, you can find the four-legged friend of choice among the six to eight million that await in shelters looking for permanent, loving homes.

“It’s important to adopt rather than buy, because there’s so many animals in the shelters that need homes. And they have anything you want …. I just feel like it’s better to give those animals a second chance.”

View Aiko’s entire interview at PETA 2.

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