Quantcast Vegetarian StarAriana Grande Andy Hurley Win PETA2 Sexiest Vegetarians

Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande and Andy Hurley were chosen as Sexiest Vegetarians of the Year in a poll by readers of PETA2.

Both the singer and drummer are not only vegetarians, but vegans.

Grande said in an interview with V magazine: “In America, almost everybody thinks you need to have meat for protein. Protein, protein, protein! And what’s in dairy? Calcium, calcium, calcium. Look, cows produce milk with nutrients for cows.”

Hurley went completely plant-based after learning about conditions in factory farms.

“When you realize that you can change yourself in such hugely important ways,” he said, “you start to realize, what can’t you change?”

Grande and Hurley beat out several well-known stars in the online poll, including Ellie Goulding, Carrie Underwood and Jason Mraz.

Previous winners of the annual competition include Kristin Bell and Davey Havok.

Photo: David Shankbone/Creative Commons

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