Quantcast Vegetarian StarKeltie Knight Rather Go Naked Than Eat Animals And Wear Fur PETA Ad

Keltie Knight

Keltie Knight, one of the correspondents of The Insider, is one of the latest celebrities to strip bare for PETA’s classic “I’d Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur” ads.

The cool thing about Knight is that she not only refuses to wear animals, she won’t eat them either.

“I’ve became a vegetarian when I was in 8th grade,” Knight says in an exclusive interview with the animal rights group.

“And ever since then, every year I get a little more educated and a little bit more awakened to the roles that animals play in our lives.”

Knight already has one major goal she hopes her continuing education will allow her to attain: to be cruelty-free by the year 2015!

Watch the entire interview with her at PETA.

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