Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Mayim Bialik Winter Vegetable Risotto

Mayim Bialik PETA

Spring is just around the corner, but there are plenty of parts in the world where the weather is still cold.

It may be a good day to savor the warm taste of Mayim Bialik‘s Winter Vegetable Risotto.

This recipe was taken from the Big Bang Theory actress’s new and debut cookbook, Mayim’s Vegan Table, which features 100 of her favorite plant-based dishes.

Risotto is known for its creamy and butter flavors, but there’s never a need to use real animal fats.

Bialik uses olive oil, which is commonly found in risottos made by non-vegan chefs.

The creaminess of the dish is enhanced with almond milk, tahini and nutritional yeast.

Visit PETA UK to celebrate the last remaining days of winter before the warm season arrives.

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