Quantcast Vegetarian StarMayim Bialk Makes Vegan Cupcakes On “Rachael Ray” (Video)

Mayim Bialik sat down with Rachael Ray to discuss her life as an actress, mom, scientist and chef.

Bialik has published her first cookbook, Mayim’s Vegan Table.

The Big Bang Theory actress has stated that she’s all about simple ingredients and her Chocolate Fudge Cupcakes are so easy to make, even a novice vegan or carnivore could master them.

Butter is replaced with basic vegetable oil and the frosting is complete with a block of silken tofu, maple syrup and chocolate chips.

“Is this a book just for vegans?” Ray asks Bialik while holding up Mayim’s Vegan Table.

“We wanted to present actually recipes that all people can eat that happen to be plant-based,” Bialik says.

“Everyone should be eating more fruits and vegetables.”

And everyone should be eating more vegan desserts.

Get the recipe and watch the video for how to make these cupcakes at Rachael Ray.

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