Quantcast Vegetarian StarBeyonce Dancers “Yonce” Girls Whip Up Vegan Red Thai Chili (Video)

The lovely ladies that starred in Beyonce‘s “Yonce” video are just as good at cooking as they are at dancing.

Chanel Iman and Joan Smalls joined Jourdan Dunn for her cooking show, “Well Done With Jourdan Dunn,” to demonstrate one of the healthy plant-based meals B couldn’ve eaten during her 22-day vegan challenge.

The Yonce girls take the classic bean-based dish and add a kick of Asian flavor to it.

Vegan red thai chili starts with the simple main ingredient of red kidney beans and adds exotic taste with coconut milk and red thai chili paste, plus the traditional chili seasonings of cilantro, onion, chili powder and garlic.

Red lentils provide extra protein while a sweet potato adds unique flavor and even more nutrients.

A detailed recipe isn’t necessary, as this 10 minute video allows the girls to instruct you step by step on making a chili you may fall “Crazy in Love” with.

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