Quantcast Vegetarian StarMinnie Driver A Vegetarian For Animals She Likes

Minnie Driver

Minnie Driver has taken a rather personal approach to a flexitarian lifestyle.

Some people choose not to eat certain meats because of the impact on human health, the environment or the way the animals are treated before and during slaughter.

For Driver, it’s not about avoiding eating anything with a face, but eating that with a face she doesn’t like.

The actress who will be starring in the NBC series based on a movie About a Boy said although growing up on a farm has made her more sensitive to non-human friends, she still has a “beef” with a certain creature.

Driver said:

“I’m not a vegan. But I went to a farm school. I used to have a pig. So I can’t eat pigs. And I like lambs, so I can’t eat them. And I used to have to milk cows, so I can’t eat cows. But I don’t mind if anybody else does. And I hate turkeys, so I eat them.”

Maybe paying a visit to a sanctuary for turkeys will have her giving them a place at Thanksgiving other than her plate.

Photo: Justin Hoch/Creative Commons

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One Response to “Minnie Driver A Vegetarian For Animals She Likes”

  1. Jessica Says:

    Disgusting. That’s like saying “I hate black people, so I’m ok with them being purposely killed.” Obviously black people are not another species, but the irrational separation between those she loves and those she hates is what I’m trying to point out here.