Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Jamie Oliver Spiced Pumpkin Soup

Jamie Oliver

The Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays are times where pumpkin is used often and abundantly in the kitchen.

Be it a dessert, pie, casserole or other dish, the squash decorates mealtime as much as it does in the windowsills during Halloween.

Jamie Oliver has a twist on the traditional pumpkin soup recipe, adding spice for those with a hotter palate.

Two dried red chillies makes this pumpkin soup stand out from the rest.

Vegetable stock keeps the recipe vegetarian and the four tablespoons of sour cream can either be left off or replaced with a non-dairy version for a completely vegan experience.

Crisp sage leaves on the top make for a great presentation for a dish that’s rich in Vitamin A.

Grab the recipe for Jamie’s Spiced Pumpkin Soup at The Guardian.

Photo: really short/Creative Commons

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