Simon Cowell Adopts Two Puppy Dogs And Posts Pics To Twitter
Written by Vegetarian Star on October 7th, 2013 in Animal Issues, Celebrity Tweets.
Simon Cowell has delivered on the promise he made to his Twitter followers earlier in September.
The X Factor and former American Idol judge announced he was going to adopt a pair of dogs and invited fans to make suggestions on where to go.
“I am going to get two dogs when I get back. Probably cairn terriers. If any rescue shelters have some who need a home let me know.”
Now Cowell has posted the two new additions to his family online and is once again seeking guidance.
“Two new arrivals …… Any suggestions for names?”
Some have suggested he borrow a nickname from one of the original Idol “dawgs,” naming one after former co-host Randy Jackson and the other after Ryan Seacrest.
One of the most famous British men in the entertainment industry, Cowell is know for being harsh to performers, but maintains a soft spot for four-legged stars.
He’s participated in several animal welfare campaigns, including the World Society for the Protection of Animals’ “Animals Matter to Me,” and several PETA PSAs.
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