Quantcast Vegetarian StarMichelle Obama “Songs For A Healthier America” Promotes Veggies (Video)

First Lady Michelle Obama will release a hip hop album that promotes eating vegetables, exercising and staying healthy.

She won’t be doing any rapping on the 19-song collection, but she’s using the affiliation of her “Let’s Move!” campaign to bring together Partnership for a Healthier American and Hip Hop Public Health Foundation to attract several well known artists who will be.

Singers like Run DMC, Doug E. Fresh and vegan Matisyahu will all have spots on Songs for a Healthier America.

Other artists include American Idol winner Jordan Sparks and Blink-182’s Travis Barker. Even Dr. Oz will be featured.

Mrs. Obama will make appearances on some of the 10 music videos for the album, like this one for “Everybody,” which can be seen above. She can be heard giving a brief statement about the U.S.’s efforts to end childhood obesity.

Get ready to put favorite tunes like “We Like Vegetables,” “Veggie Luv,” ”Get Up Sit Up” and “U R What You Eat” in your favorite playlist.

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