Quantcast Vegetarian StarDarnell Dockett Of Arizona Cardinals Pet Tiger Makes PETA Hiss

Darnell Dockett

Darnell Dockett thinks the Arizona Cardinals might need a new mascot.

The football player has recently set off some controvery after a series of Tweets with photos of his new pet tiger.

Dockett posted photos of him with both the baby tiger and the mother, which can be seen above.

Although Dockett has described his new pet ownership as the “coolest thing ever,” it’s easy to see how PETA might think differently.

The group has called for an investigation, citing permits and other legalities involved with owning exotic wildlife.

The group said in a statement:

“We’re also asking Arizona’s Game and Fish Department to get involved because state law requires a permit for possession of a tiger, and if Dockett took the tiger to training camp, he also violated a law that prohibits handling a wild animal in a manner that is dangerous to the public.”

Dockett is keeping mum on more details of his tiger, possibly related to the fact that there may be legal problems with it.

“I cannot tell y’all everything about that as far as legal reasons,” he told reporters at the Cardinals’ camp. “That company with the four-letter word? We’re going to keep them out of this. But yes, for everybody, I do have a tiger.”

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