Quantcast Vegetarian StarRip Esselstyn New Book “My Beef With Meat” On “CBS This Morning” (Video)

Rip Esselstyn was a guest on CBS This Morning to discuss the benefits of a vegan diet and his latest book, My Beef with Meat.

Many have heard of the firefighter’s famous story of turning his entire station vegan, insisting they eat what he calls “plant-strong.”

The author who described this transformation inĀ The Engine 2 Diet discussed with hosts the benefits of plant-based eating on human health and the planet.

When he discusses issues like heart disease and cholesterol, Esselstyn insists he’s not trying to scare anyone. He simply wants to educate.

For example, while some may think making changes from red meat to poultry or other meats is healthier, it still won’t give you the same benefits as going vegan.

“Most people don’t know that chicken has the same amount of cholesterol as red meat,” Esselstyn said.

“Most people don’t know that fish has more cholesterol than red meat or chicken. Most people don’t know that one egg yolk has the same amount of cholesterol as two Burger King Whoppers. Most people don’t know that one glass of whole milk has the same amount of saturated fat as four slices of bacon.”

Those statements should scare you. But if they don’t, perhaps reading the entire contents of My Beef with Meat will.

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