Quantcast Vegetarian StarDionne Bromfield Strictly Comes Dancing Without Real Fur In PETA Ad

Dionne Bromfield

Strictly Come Dancing star and singer Dionne Bromfield is using both her gorgeous dancing legs and voice to be an advocate for animals used for fur.

Bromfield recently posed in an advertisement for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, asking that people, “Show Some Respect,” for animals and themselves and never get caught wearing real fur.

Bromfield told PETA:

“Not only is fur cruel, it’s also totally gross. I mean, who wants to wear the skin of an abused animal? Not me! I watched one of PETA’s fur videos, and I challenge anyone who wears fur to watch it, too. Seeing these terrified animals as they have their skin ripped off their backs just so that someone can walk around in a fur coat or hat really upset me – but it also inspired me to try to raise awareness about the fur trade.”

There are different versions of the ad.

Another one can be found on PETA’s UK site, showing Bromfield holding the carcass of a skinned animal.

The tagline reads, “Here’s the rest of your coat.”

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