Quantcast Vegetarian StarViola Davis Wants Rhode Island To Help Elephants In Circuses

Viola Davis

Tony award winning actress Viola Davis would like her home state to take the leading role in protecting animals in circuses.

The star of hits like King Hedley II, Intimate Apparel and Fences wrote to legislators in the state asking them to support laws that would ban circuses in the state from using bullhooks on elephants.

In a letter addressed to Senator V. Susan Sosnowski, Davis wrote:

“Having grown up in Rhode Island and as someone concerned about cruelty to animals, I am writing on behalf of my friends at PETA to urge you to support S.B. 813, which would prohibit inhumane treatment of elephants used in circuses, including the use of a bullhook—a device with a sharp hook on the end that resembles a fireplace poker and is used to hurt and punish elephants.”

The entire letter can be read at PETA.

Davis then goes on to discuss what undercover investigations found at circuses that use these devices meant to train the elephants.

Several other celebrities have voiced their concerns about the use of the tool that resembles a a fireplace poker and causes pain to the animal.

Other states and entire countries, such as Canada, have considered similar bans on bullhooks.

Photo: Joella Marano/Creative Commons

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