Quantcast Vegetarian StarAngela Simmons Shared Workout And Eating Tips With Global Grind (Video)

Angela Simmons has shared her secrets for getting a sleek physique.

In addition to her webisode demonstrating her favorite workout techniques, the former star of Run’s House shared with Global Grind her secret for the diet component to healthy living.

Like her uncle Russell Simmons, Angela is a dedicated vegetarian.

Angela said:

“I’m a vegetarian, and yes your eating habits are very important. It’s almost just as important as the work out. You won’t see results until you do both. [For those who are interested in becoming a vegetarian], I would say to get advice from other vegetarians and also talk to a doctor, but for me the transition was simple. I find a great balance with foods, lots of veggies, lentils, avocados, beans, it’s important to get your protein. I’ve been vegetarian for 3 1/2 years. And I love it. I feel great. My Uncle Russell motivated me.”

Learn Angela’s favorite plant-based snacks for fueling up before a big workout at Global Grind.

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