Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Finding Dory” Sequel To “Finding Nemo” May Teach Vegetarian Lesson

Finding Nemo

Disney-Pixar has announced that Finding Dory, a sequel to the 2003 Finding Nemo will be released in 2015.

The cartoon depicting the daily lives of clownfish and other marine animals may be the perfect opportunity to teach children and movie goers of all ages a lesson that–although not able to communicate like the fish in films–fish are living creatures that should not be eaten.

“In the film, Dory will be reunited with her loved ones, and we hope that theme will inspire the film’s fans to view fish as friends, not food, and remind everyone that fish like Dory should be permitted to live in peace with their families, rather than being captured and forced to live in a microcosm of their natural world — a tank or an aquarium — separated from everyone and almost everything that is a part of who they are,” the animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals said in a statement.

Ellen DeGeneres will once again voice the blue tang fish in the film.

The comedian, vegetarian, and animal rights advocate made a statement in the press release:

“I have waited for this day for a long, long, long, long, long, long time. I’m not mad it took this long. I know the people at Pixar were busy creating ‘Toy Story 16.’ But the time they took was worth it. The script is fantastic. And it has everything I loved about the first one: It’s got a lot of heart, it’s really funny, and the best part is — it’s got a lot more Dory.”

Photo: Michal Osmenda/Creative Commons

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