Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Mary McCartney Enjoys “Food” From Childhood

Mary McCartney "Food"

“The cookbook is personal in that it is about recipes that I have grown up with and recipes that I have refined over the years. My mom used to make a big quiche, or we would have brownies and pancakes for brunch at the weekend. They are things I grew up having.”

“I didn’t have my mom’s recipes but I had lots of food memories. I wanted to log them all and have them in a book. So now I can refer to them and when I want to make brownies I actually use the cookbook a lot myself.”

“I made up the recipes again from memory and now I have them in a book that I can hand down to my family. It is quite personal, that is part of the reason for me doing it.”

Mary McCartney, in an interview with Reuters on her latest cookbook, Food.

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