Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlicia Silverstone Feeds Husband Christopher Mouth To Mouth (Video)

Alicia Silverstone

Alicia Silverstone sparked controversy awhile back when she posted a video of herself feeding her infant by pre-chewing the food in her mouth before placing it in his.

While some were repulsed by this idea, Silverstone and experts said it helps increase the nutrition absorbed by the baby’s system and provides for bonding time.

While there’s evidence this practice is natural and helpful with infants, there’s not much on the benefits of doing this adult to adult. But in a recent YouTube clip, Silverstone is out to shock her critics again. The vegan actress confesses she often chews food for her husband Christopher Jarecki before placing it in his mouth.

“Christopher is mostly vegan, but occasionally he eats really, really bad,” Silverstone explained.

“Chewing the food for him gives him more nutrients than he would get chewing it by himself, just like little Bear, [my child]” Silverstone continued.

“When Christopher’s been cheating on his vegan diet and eating really crappy, I often have several mouth to mouth feeding sessions as a way of cleansing and rehabilitating him. I think of it as giving him a super-charged nutrient boost to counteract all the bad stuff he’s put in his system.”

“Plus, you have to admit, it’s kind of cute,” Jarecki said.

“It’s more intimate than that scene between those stray animals in “Lady and the Tramp.””

Jarecki then went into a brief speech about how adopting these animals can prevent homeless pets from having to eat pasta every night from the dumpster in the alley. And how spaying and neutering helps reduce all those four-legged tramps from producing unwanted litters.

In case you were wondering, this story is nothing but a bunch of vegan baloney.

Happy April 1st!

Photo: PR Photos

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