Quantcast Vegetarian StarRory Freedman To Judge Meatless Monday Student Essay Contest

Rory Freedman Farm Sanctuary Gala for Farm Animals

Rory Freedman will be one of three judges in an essay contest for young adults sponsored by the Humane Society of the United States.

Students 13 years of age or older and enrolled in high school (grades 9-12), a two-year or four-year college or a post-secondary trade or vocational school are invited to participate by composing a 500-800 word essay on why Meatless Mondays is good for humans, animals and the environment.

Over 2,500 educational and health institutions are participating in the once a week holiday that encourages Americans to take meat off their plates.

In addition to co-author of the Skinny Bitch vegan diet and lifestyle books, VegNews’ Elizabeth Castoria and HSUS farm animal protection department staffer Kristie Middleton will sit on the panel of judges.

Winners will receive a print copy of a MUTTS comic strip signed by creator Patrick McDonnell, a signed copy of “The Bond” by Wayne Pacelle, a HSUS logo t-shirt and a box of organic chocolates.

To enter, students should submit their essay, along with their full name and telephone number, age, school name (and major if in college) to FarmAnimals@humanesociety.org by April 15, 2013, 11:59 EST.

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to “Rory Freedman To Judge Meatless Monday Student Essay Contest”

  1. Renard Moreau Says:

    [ Smiles ] I think that she would make a great judge!