Quantcast Vegetarian StarRenee Olstead PETA2 Ad Says Fish Aren’t Food

Renee Olstead PETA2 Ad Says Fish Aren’t Food

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 12th, 2013 in Actresses, Animal Issues, Food & Drink.

Renee Olstead

Renee Olstead has a new ad with PETA2 that encourages people to take fish off their plates.

Standing next to mascot Tiffany Tuna, the Secret Life of the American Teenager actress stars in the ad that reads, “Fish Are Friends, Not Food.”

“Stand up for all animals and go vegan today,” the ad continues.

During an interview with PETA2, Olstead said:

“I’m often asked, ’Do you want to get sushi?’ … Fish aren’t vegetables. Fish that are killed for food die the same way any other animal would for food, so there really is no difference between a cow or a fish or a chicken—it’s all suffering. And why would you want to eat suffering.”

The journal Fish and Fisheries reviewed more than 500 papers on fish research that showed fish are intelligent creatures that feel pain. They have long-term memories and sophisticated social structures and communicate on a frequency level that humans cannot detect without instruments.

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