Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Tia Mowry Ginger Acorn Squash Soup

Tia Mowry

Tia Mowry is a newbie vegan who has just discovered the joy of shopping for the numerous plants, grains and greens the grocery has to offer.

The former star of the hit teen series Sister Sister has posted a guest blog on Alicia Silverstone‘s website, The Kind Life.

Mowry has shared her recipe for Ginger Acorn Squash Soup.

Mowry writes:

“I was BEYOND thrilled and honored when Alicia asked if I wanted to share one of my own recipes on the site, and (after a long deliberation) I finally decided on a recipe for my ginger acorn squash soup. It’s a deliciously cozy comfort food, but still light enough to enjoy on a warm spring day. I love how the ginger gives it that extra flavor kick!”

Mowry’s soup is unique in that it blends all the ingredients together in a blender or food processor vs. just heating them in a skillet.

This is a great dish to eat warm or refrigerate for later in the day.

Grab Mowry’s recipe at The Kind Life.

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