Quantcast Vegetarian StarChloe Coscarelli Surprise Use For Coconut Milk

Chloe Coscarelli Surprise Use For Coconut Milk

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 22nd, 2013 in Chefs, Food & Drink.

Chloe's Vegan Desserts

Chloe Coscarelli, popular vegan chef and author of two vegan cookbooks to date, is featured at Vegetarian Times with a short Q & A about the basics of vegan cooking.

Most people who have heard of the word “vegan” have also heard of vegan butter, soy milk and the usual substitutions used in cooking and baking.

But do you know what makes a great alternative to cream?

From Vegetarian Times:

“Coconut milk is a great substitute for heavy cream. Most people don’t associate coconut milk with desserts, but I use it all the time. When I go to the grocery store and load up my cart with coconut milk, people assume I am making a bunch of Thai coconut curry, but I am really using the milk to prepare ice creams and whipped creams. It gives the desserts a creamy, moist quality that mimics dairy very well and it is the staple of all of my whipped cream recipes. I love it.”

Learn some of Chloe’s favorite desserts she might use coconut milk in and more about her latest cookbook, Chloe’s Vegan Desserts at Vegetarian Times.

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