Quantcast Vegetarian Star“American Idol” Pia Toscano Pro-Animal PETA Ad (Video)

American Idol star Pia Toscano recorded a PSA for PETA on all things animal welfare related.

Toscano touched on the issues of fur, pet ownership and circuses.

“I look back on my relationship with my dog and I know that if I ever saw her in pain, I’d be devasted,” Toscano said in the video.

Toscano’s feeling about ending the fur industry are similar to what some vegetarians think would motivate people to stop eating meat. Allowing them to see what goes on behind the scenes would surely turn them on to synthetic materials.

“It was very difficult for me to watch the videos on how fur coats are made and how these animals are brutally beaten and skinned alive. There’s no excuse for that. It truly broke my heart. But it’s something that everybody needs to see. I feel like if everyone saw what I saw, they would just stop.”

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