Quantcast Vegetarian StarCarrie Ann Inaba To Host Humane Sociey Genesis Awards

Carrie Ann Inaba To Host Humane Sociey Genesis Awards

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 6th, 2013 in Animal Issues, TV Hosts.

Carrie Ann Inaba

Carrie Ann Inaba will put away her dancing shoes for one evening to return for her second year in a row of hosting the Humane Society of the United State’s Genesis Awards benefit gala on Saturday, March 23, 2013, at The Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills, California.

“I’m delighted to have been invited back by The Humane Society of the United States to host this truly unique and inspirational event. We all need to be a voice for those who cannot speak out for themselves, which is why The Genesis Awards recognize those who have the power to spread the word about the issues affecting innocent, voiceless animals,” Inaba said.

Inaba is a devoted animal lover with four cats and two dogs and has started her own foundation, The Carrie Ann Inaba Animal Project.

“Carrie Ann was such a big hit with our audience last year because her energy and enthusiasm for the animal welfare cause came straight from her heart. She was a shoo-in to helm this year’s Genesis Awards, and we are grateful to her for accepting our invitation,” said Beverly Kaskey, senior director of The Humane Society of the United States’ Hollywood outreach program and executive producer of The Genesis Awards Benefit Gala.

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