Russell Simmons Animal Hero Kids Award Accepting Nominations
Written by Vegetarian Star on January 4th, 2013 in Animal Issues.
Russell Simmons has lent his name to an award sponsored by Animal Hero Kids Inc. that recognizes adolescents using creativity to bring awareness to animal welfare.
The Russell Simmons Animal Hero Kids Award is currently accepting nominations and will continue to do so until October 31, 2013.
The award will be presented in December 2013.
Nominees must be 18 years of age or under at the time of nomination and “promote the humane treatment of animals through song, dance, rap, poetry, story, art, photography, video or other artistic or creative medium.”
The longtime vegetarian, animal advocate, entrepreneur and yoga enthusiast has always been very outspoken on issues important to him, animal welfare being one of them.
‘I invest in things that I have faith in,” Simmons said.
“I don’t have any products that I don’t believe in. I won’t take part in the suffering of animals, exploitation of people or abuse of the planet. I can’t say that I’m a vegan and then own a steakhouse. It’s a karmic thing–you get what you give. It’s kind of nice when you’re serving the planet. I can go to sleep.”
Animal Hero Kids is a non-profit organization that aims to educate young people on the importance of animal welfare and rewards them for the acts that bring attention to the cause.
Nominations for the Russell Simmons Animal Hero Kids Award can be emailed to kind2all@bellsouth.net.
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