Quantcast Vegetarian StarMichelle Obama Reads Christmas Stories With Dog Bo (Video)

Michelle Obama spent the Christmas holiday performing a tradition that’s been in place since the 1950s when President Truman’s wife Bess was First Lady.

Michelle read Twas the Night Before Christmas to children at the Children’s National Medical Center in D.C. with a little help with the First Four-Legged family member Bo.

“This is exactly what he does at home,” Michelle said as the Portuguese Water Dog jumped on her. “He tries to beat Malia and Sasha to my lap.

Apparently Bo’s not only into Christmas stories by the fireside but also examining the White House tree, as you can see below.

If your pet enjoys the holidays as much as Bo, don’t forget to be on the lookout for them putting unhealthy presents in their mouths. Ornaments, trimmings, lights and other decorations swallowed or chewed on by animals can be dangerous and fatal.

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