Quantcast Vegetarian StarLady Gaga Angers With Latest Fur Purchases

Lady Gaga Angers With Latest Fur Purchases

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 19th, 2012 in Female Musicians, Female Singers, Fur.

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga has drawn the attention of PETA after the animal rights group learned of the singer’s recent fur purchases.

Gaga reportedly bought over $200,000 worth of coats from a store in Moscow, something not only out of the budget for most people, but, as PETA said, “Out of place, out of time, and possibly out of her mind.”

“While the country focuses on rejecting violence and we are deep into the season of peace, giving, and kindness, Gaga is busy decking herself out in a coat made of at least 30 slaughtered animals’ skins.”

Gaga is no stranger for getting “under the skins” of human animals that are vegetarian and animal lovers.

Not only does she have a history of fur wearing, but has also sparked controversy over several outfits resembling something from the local butcher shop instead of the boutique.

Photo: dephisticate/Creative Commons

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