Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Fran Drescher Kale Soup (Video)

Fran Drescher

Fran Drescher has been a great champion for the vegan lifestyle ever since she lost weight and gained a ton of energy by eliminating animal products from her diet.

Never one to shy away from vegan cooking on television, the actress and talk show hosts has brought us great recipes like white bean hummus, fudge cake and more.

This week’s Meatless Monday recipe features another favorite veggie dish of Fran’s–Kale Soup.

Uploaded on her YouTube channel, CancerSmancer, the soup features raw vegetables like corn and peas and grain like quinoa in addition to its main ingredient kale.

“I wasn’t able to knock off that kind of weight in years. I just decided that I wasn’t feeling well… and I went to a bunch of doctors, and everybody had different prescriptions for all my symptoms,” said Drescher, “and I just decided, ‘No more, I’m gonna do alternative. I’m gonna to switch up my act, eat differently, clean up my act.’ And so I cut out alcohol… so that went, and I became gluten-free and vegan.”

Check out Fran making her kale soup below.

Photo: Tsui/Creative Commons

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