Quantcast Vegetarian StarKathy Freston On Power Of Plants Vs. Cancer

Kathy Freston

Kathy Freston has shared some research on how a vegan diet may prevent and increase one’s odds of recovering from cancer at the Huffington Post.

Citing several studies discussing rates of cancer among plant-based eaters vs. omnivores and factors involved in cancer growths, Freston concludes that, “We aren’t helpless at all; in fact, the power is largely in our hands. It’s on our forks, actually.”

The incidence of all cancers combined has been found to be lower among vegetarians and women eating plant-based diets were found to suppress the growth of some cancers.

One theory is that eating vegan can suppress the activity of a cancer growth hormone called IGF-1. Animal protein increases this growth hormone, but a plant-based diet has been shown to lower bloodstream levels of it and slow cancer growth.

“This is all about the power on your plate, and it’s seriously powerful,” Freston writes the author of several books advocating a vegan diet, including Veganist, The Lean and Quantum Wellness.

More at Huffington Post.

Photo: Bridget Laudien/Creative Commons

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