Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlicia Silverstone Tweets Vegan Hanukkah Recipes

Alicia Silverstone

Alicia Silverstone is celebrating Hanukkah with a festival of vegan recipes!

The actress, author and animal rights champion posted several meatless, egg and dairy-free versions of classic Jewish dishes to her blog The Kind Life last year and has been Tweeting links to those recipes.

“I love the story of Hanukkah,” Silverstone writes. “To me, it is about making the most of the resources you have. I like to think of this holiday as a reminder to turn off lights when you don’t need them and practice using less energy in your daily life at home and at work.”

‘Hanukkah is also a great time to eat delicious, kind food. As a little girl, I remember making the best challah at Hebrew school. This recipe for vegan challah isn’t the same as the one I made as a kid, but it looks like the perfect treat to make for Hanukkah. Even if you don’t celebrate the holiday, try it and tell me how it turns out!”

“If you’re looking for Hanukkah recipe inspiration, you’ll find a ton here on The Kind Life. Last year, I posted eight days of Hanukkah recipes. I’ll be tweeting links to each of those recipes starting tomorrow, so be sure to follow me @AliciaSilv if you don’t already. You can also browse the recipe gallery for more holiday dishes. Happy cooking!”

Grab great recipes for vegan Hanukkah foods like Vegan Latkes and Vegan Chocolate & Cinnamon Rugelach by following Alicia on Twitter and visiting The Kind Life.

Photo: Jerry Avenaim/Creative Commons

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