Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Slumdog Millionaire” Anil Kapoor At Humane Society India Launch

Anil Kapoor

Anil Kapoor of Slumdog Millionaire and several others in the entertainment industry were present at the Humane Society International’s launch of the Humane Society India chapter.

The actor, who’s also had a role in Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol gave a speech on animal protection at the event.

“No one needs to sleep hungry, let alone die of starvation. Yet tens of thousands of children sleep hungry each night because the grains that could nourish these children [go] not into their bellies, but the bellies of the cows, pigs and chickens that form an essential part of a non-vegetarian diet….Our prosperity, enjoyment and progress are only deeply valued when they do not come at the expense of others.”

Over 100 journalists were present for the event, as well as the Dalai Lama, who gave a speech criticizing factory farming and recommended a vegetarian diet for all.

Photo: Anil Kapoor/Creative Commons

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