Quantcast Vegetarian StarSteve-O Credits Dogs For Clean Living And Good Health

Steve-O Credits Dogs For Clean Living And Good Health

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 28th, 2012 in Actors, Animal Issues, Comedians.


Steve-O has known for some time that animals don’t belong on his plate.

But the actor recently opened up to US Magazine on how his pets have helped him overcome a serious addiction.

He credits his two rescue dogs, Walter and Bernie, for helping him get sober.

“You know, the way I feel about it, and it might sound a little weird as far as comparisons go, but getting a dog reminds me of getting a cell phone because there’s that overwhelming feeling when I first got a cell phone of ‘How did I ever live without this and what would I ever do if I lost it?'” said Steve-O.

“It’s very much the same way with my dogs. I just think back to before I had my dogs and my life must have been just so empty. I shouldn’t say so empty, but I can’t believe how much those little sons of bitches have enriched my life.”

About a month before giving up alcohol Steve also began cutting back on meat, another decision influenced by his love of animals. Eventually, he gave up all animal products and now consumes an entirely vegan diet.

More at US Weekly.

Photo: Gage Skidmore/Creative Commons

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