Quantcast Vegetarian StarTony LaRussa Gave Meat “One Last Strike” Years Ago

Tony LaRussa "One Last Strike"

Tony LaRussa is such a dedicated vegetarian, not even mom’s favorite lasagna would turn him back.

During an interview with the Daily Herald, LaRussa, who’s recently published a memoir of 33 seasons of managing Major League Baseball, One Last Strike, was asked if there was any meat dish he would give up being vegetarian for, if just for a day.

“My mother made some great pasta and every once in a while I’ll smell something that reminds me of her cooking,” LaRussa began. “But the answer is none. I wouldn’t give in to it. I’m a tofu man and I like my hummus a lot.”

Hey, there’s always tofu or seitan “wheat” balls that would give mom’s lasagna a (home) run for her money.

He and he wife Elaine were both motivated to go vegetarian after watching a documentary in the 70s.

“Back in 1977, when I was a player-coach, I came back from a road trip, and my wife was watching a PBS documentary on how veal comes to the table. As soon as I walked in the door, she said, “We will never eat veal again.” So that started it. Very soon after, all red meat disappeared from our plates, and the chicken and turkey, and then fish. Within a year to a year and a half, we were totally vegetarian.”

Not only is LaRussa a committed vegetarian, he’s also a dedicated animal welfare activist, founding the LaRussa Animal Rescue Foundation, which provides services to abandoned animals.

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