Quantcast Vegetarian StarBill Clinton Vegan Dish Catered By V-Edge Of Philadelphia

Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton recently attended a fundraiser at a private residence hosted by Shelley Rubin.

Clinton’s personal menu for the event was catered by Rich Landau of V-Edge, a vegan, vegetable restaurant in the Philadelphia area.

“Stephen Starr called me last week and asked if I would be interested in doing the vegan part of the event,” Landau told Eater. “I had no idea this was coming, but it was truly an honor.”

Everything served to the former president of the United States came straight from the V-Edge menu.

We wonder if Clinton enjoyed the grilled seitan, creamy turnips, beech mushrooms, peas and truffle mustard. Or did he opt for the spicy grilled tofu, gochujang, edamame, smoked miso and yuba cracklin?

There’s much more to menu which contains over a dozen plates, a handful of appetizer and a choice of the freshest vegetables straight from a local farm.

Open since the fall of 2011, V-Edge prides itself on being a “foodie’s restaurant–for omnivores, vegetarians, vegans, and carnivores alike.”

Photo: Roger H. Goun/Creative Commons

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