Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Mayim Bialik Vegan Rosh Hashanah Cake

Mayim Bialik

Mayim Bialik and other Jewish vegans are in the middle of Rosh Hashanah. Although honey is often used as a sweetener for recipes and dips for breads like challah, strict vegans view the bee’s product as animal and need alternatives to help celebrate the New Year.

Bialik has one delicious-sounding vegan honey cake you might want to try.

Bialik uses regular sugar (which can be purchased without the use of bone char to whiten it) and agave to sweeten her “honey” cake and gives bees something to celebrate as they have the day off as well.

Bialik has already written a parenting book. Until she pens a vegan cookbook, you’ll have to search for vegan versions of traditional Jewish recipes like Kugel made with tofu ricotta cheese in books like the New Kosher Jewish Vegan Cookbook.

Head over to Bialik’s blog at Kveller to make her no-honey honey cake.

Photo: Tabercil/Creative Commons

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