Quantcast Vegetarian StarOlivia Wilde On Bill Clinton–What A Vegan Fox

Olivia Wilde

Olivia Wilde has a thing for older men.

Okay, not all older men.

They must be sexy. They must be former presidents of the United States. And they must follow a vegan diet.

So most geezers need not apply.

During a recent Tweet, Wilde expressed her fondness for Bill Clinton, one older, sexy, political vegan.

“Bill, lookin good. #veganfox,” the actress tweeted, about Clinton’s appearance at the Democratic National Convention.

She later added, “B Clints speaks the truth! “NO president could have fully repaired all the damage that he found in just 4 years.”


Are we talking repair of the country or his heart apparatus? Clinton adopted a vegan diet after learning he had heart disease and that following a plant-based diet could prevent and reverse some of the damage.

Whether it’s leading a country or a national diet change, Clinton has not showed signs of slowing down.

Four more years (of vegan) and health!

Photo: Cristiano Del Riccio/Creative Commons

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